Monday 16 December 2013

Important Motorbike Maintenance Tips

When you own a vehicle, you should be responsible for maintaining it as well otherwise it will cause plenty of problems to you. As a result, you will have to spend extra money on the repair work, which is not ideal at all, especially for people who ride motorbikes just for the sake of saving money at the end of the month.

There is no doubt that motorcycles are far more economical compared to cars. You can buy a two-wheeler at a very reasonable price and then travel on it wherever you like. It will not consume much fuel, so there will not be much burden on your pocket. Even the maintenance cost is really less, which is why a motorbike is a must have for a common man.

You will be required to spend some money on the protective gear for a motorcycle, but that too does not put any extra burden on your pocket. Moreover, you will have to invest once and then continue with the same stuff for years if you don’t use it roughly.

However, the real problem arises when you become careless and do not give any time to your machine. Due to this, the engine and other parts get badly affected, forcing you to either change them or get them tuned once again, which can be costly.

If you take care of a few things, there will be no need to worry about your bike’s health. J&S Accessories has compiled a list that has some useful tips for all of the motorcycle owners, so that they can maintain their machine and stay out of trouble.

Change engine and gear oil

If you keep on changing the engine and gear oil regularly, it will keep your bike functioning smoothly. It is ideal to get this done after every 2000 kilometres. Some people feel that they can stretch this limit to even 4000, but that is not the right thing to do. This way, the engine of your bike starts getting affected slowly and you don’t even feel any difference. Eventually, the engine stops working and you have to spend extra money on it. Similarly, the gears need to be greasy in order to continue performing normally.

Grease the chain

It is the chain that rotates your motorbike’s tyre, so you have to ensure it is working in the correct manner. There is no rocket science behind maintaining the chain. When you get the oil changed, you can use the old one to grease different body parts of your vehicle including the chain.

Check the tyre pressure

Before leaving your house or office, you should check the tyre pressure in both the tyres in order to make sure that there is no issue at all. If you feel that the pressure is less, you should immediately get it filled to the required limit. Remember that the tyre pressure should be maintained according to the weather conditions. Moreover, you should look after the tyres as well and change them once they are worn out.

Check the brakes regularly

Checking the brakes of your bike regularly is really important, as that is related to your safety. Make sure they are tightened, so that you can stay out of trouble in case of an emergency.

Change the battery in time

If the life of your bike’s battery is over, you should get it changed. A dead battery means you will be unable to use the headlight, indicators, horn and other things connected to it. This can not only cause problem for you, but for others on the road as well.

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