There are endless stories when it comes to motorcycle riding as some of them talk about interesting journeys while others either shed light on different models of bikes, gears or racing. However, today I am sharing my personal motorcycle accident story with you that highlight the significance of wearing helmet and gear while driving a bike. The tragic incident happened when I was coming back from my workplace on my bike that is quite light weight as compared to 250cc and 600cc motorcycles. Due to its low weight and less radius of the tires, my bike is not rated much higher because it does not provide that road grip and balance which bikes in the upper category offer.
Getting back to the story, I left the office before the usual time of the accident day so I was pretty relaxed and was going at a much less speed (40 km/hour) as compared to what I usually drive at. When I was just a few kilometers away from my home, suddenly I decided to visit a shop in a nearby market to buy some clothes. So I went in the direction of the market, just then a big SUV that was slightly ahead of me on my right took a sharp left turn without giving any indication. As a result of this sudden move from the SUV driver, the biker that was right behind him applied the emergency brake and tilt towards his left to avoid the collision.
The move, though, saved biker from hitting the SUV, but in the course of doing so he collided with me and I fell on the road and started sliding towards the footpath along with the bike. Eventually, I ended up hitting my head with the footpath so hard that in spite of wearing a helmet I felt lots of pain. Instantly people around the road rushed towards me, as they thought that terrible collision perhaps had caused some pretty serious injuries to me. However, luckily the helmet saved my head from any sort of injuries. While my gloves saved my hands’ skin from getting scratched. However, there were some serious scratches on my knees and left elbow because they were not protected.
Usually one has a good chance of avoiding a crash at 40 km/h driving speed (in my opinion) if someone accidentally comes in front of the bike. However, on that day I did not even get the chance to apply my bike’s brake. Therefore, this incident convinced me that it is extremely important to wear full gear along with a helmet before riding a motorcycle because each day we see numerous accidents on the roads that not only become a cause of death or reason of permanent disability for many.